Source code for qiskit_addon_cutting.utils.transpiler_passes

# This code is a Qiskit project.

# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.

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Transpiler passes useful for circuit knitting.

.. currentmodule:: qiskit_addon_cutting.utils.transpiler_passes

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


from qiskit.circuit import Reset, Qubit
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGOpNode
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass

[docs] class RemoveFinalReset(TransformationPass): """Remove reset when it is the final instruction on a qubit wire.""" def run(self, dag): """Run the RemoveFinalReset pass on ``dag``. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): the DAG to be optimized. Returns: DAGCircuit: the optimized DAG. """ for output_node in dag.output_map.values(): if isinstance(output_node.wire, Qubit): pred = next(dag.predecessors(output_node)) if isinstance(pred, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(pred.op, Reset): dag.remove_op_node(pred) return dag
[docs] class ConsolidateResets(TransformationPass): """Consolidate a run duplicate resets in to a single reset.""" def run(self, dag): """Run the ConsolidateResets pass on ``dag``. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): the DAG to be optimized. Returns: DAGCircuit: the optimized DAG. """ resets = dag.op_nodes(Reset) for reset in resets: successor = next(dag.successors(reset)) if isinstance(successor, DAGOpNode) and isinstance(successor.op, Reset): dag.remove_op_node(reset) return dag