# This code is a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# Reminder: update the RST file in docs/apidocs when adding new interfaces.
"""Simulation of precise measurement outcome probabilities."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector, Operator
from qiskit.primitives.base import BaseSamplerV1, SamplerResult
from qiskit.primitives.primitive_job import PrimitiveJob
from qiskit.result import QuasiDistribution
from .iteration import strict_zip
_TOLERANCE = 1e-16
def simulate_statevector_outcomes(qc: QuantumCircuit, /) -> dict[int, float]:
"""Return each classical outcome along with its precise probability.
Circuit can contain mid-circuit, projective measurements.
All gates are supported, along with measurements and reset operations.
current = defaultdict(list)
current[0].append((1.0, Statevector.from_int(0, 2**qc.num_qubits)))
for inst in qc.data:
if inst.operation.condition_bits:
raise ValueError(
"Operations conditioned on classical bits are currently not supported."
opname = inst.operation.name
if opname in ("measure", "reset"):
# The current instruction is not unitary: it's either a measurement
# or a reset.
qubit_idx = qc.find_bit(inst.qubits[0])[0]
if opname == "measure":
# We will need to set a classical bit depending on the
# measurement result. `k_flipper` locates that bit.
k_flipper = 1 << qc.find_bit(inst.clbits[0])[0]
# It's a reset operation, so we will not be modifying any
# classical bits.
k_flipper = 0
# We need to keep track of the statevector and corresponding
# probability of *both* possible outcomes (although, we truncate
# states if their probability becomes less than _TOLERANCE). In
# the following, we loop through each outcome so far and prepare to
# update the state.
pending_delete: list[tuple[int, int]] = []
pending_insert: list[tuple[int, tuple[float, Statevector]]] = []
for k, svs in current.items():
k0 = k ^ (k & k_flipper) # like k, but k_flipper bit will NOT be set
k1 = k | k_flipper # like k, but k_flipper bit (if any) will be set
for i, (prob, sv) in enumerate(svs):
(prob0, prob1) = sv.probabilities([qubit_idx])
dims = sv.dims([qubit_idx]) # always going to be (2,) for a qubit
pending_delete.append((k, i))
# Handle the 0 branch of the wave function
if not np.isclose(prob0, 0, atol=_TOLERANCE):
proj0 = np.diag([1 / np.sqrt(prob0), 0.0])
sv0 = sv.evolve(
Operator(proj0, input_dims=dims, output_dims=dims),
pending_insert.append((k0, (prob * prob0, sv0)))
# Handle the 1 branch of the wave function
if not np.isclose(prob1, 0, atol=_TOLERANCE):
proj1 = np.diag([0.0, 1 / np.sqrt(prob1)])
if k_flipper == 0:
# It's a reset operation, so we need to rotate the 1
# result back to 0 by applying the same rotation as
# the X gate.
proj1 = np.array([(0, 1), (1, 0)]) @ proj1
sv1 = sv.evolve(
Operator(proj1, input_dims=dims, output_dims=dims),
pending_insert.append((k1, (prob * prob1, sv1)))
# A dict's keys cannot be changed while iterating it, so we perform
# all such updates now that iteration over the dict is complete.
for k, i in reversed(pending_delete):
del current[k][i]
for k, v in pending_insert:
# We might as well clean up empty lists, too.
for k in [k for k, v in current.items() if not v]:
del current[k]
# The current instruction is a unitary operation (i.e., a gate).
if len(inst.clbits) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"Circuit cannot contain a non-measurement operation on classical bit(s)."
# Evolve each statevector according to the current instruction
for svs in current.values():
for _, sv in svs:
# Calling `_evolve_instruction` rather than `evolve` allows
# us to avoid a copy.
sv, inst.operation, [qc.find_bit(q)[0] for q in inst.qubits]
return {outcome: sum(prob for prob, _ in svs) for outcome, svs in current.items()}
class ExactSampler(BaseSamplerV1):
"""Sampler which returns exact probabilities for each possible outcome.
This sampler supports:
- all unitary gates
- projective measurements, anywhere in the circuit
- reset operations, anywhere in the circuit
- some (or all) classical bits can remain unused
- classical bits can be written more than once
The samplers provided by :mod:`qiskit.primitives` and
:mod:`qiskit_aer.primitives` do not currently support all of the above
functionality. Related upstream issues:
- https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/issues/9657
- https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/issues/1810
- https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/issues/1811
def _call(
circuits: tuple[QuantumCircuit, ...],
parameter_values: Sequence[Sequence[float]],
) -> SamplerResult:
metadata: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{} for _ in range(len(circuits))]
bound_circuits = [
circuit if len(value) == 0 else circuit.assign_parameters(value)
for circuit, value in strict_zip(circuits, parameter_values)
probabilities = [simulate_statevector_outcomes(qc) for qc in bound_circuits]
quasis = [QuasiDistribution(p) for p in probabilities]
return SamplerResult(quasis, metadata)
def _run(
circuits: tuple[QuantumCircuit, ...],
parameter_values: tuple[tuple[float, ...], ...],
job = PrimitiveJob(self._call, circuits, parameter_values, **run_options)
# The public submit method was removed in Qiskit 1.0
(job.submit if hasattr(job, "submit") else job._submit)()
return job