# This code is a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# Reminder: update the RST file in docs/apidocs when adding new interfaces.
"""Module for conducting Pauli observable grouping."""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, PauliList
from .iteration import strict_zip
_I = Pauli("I")
def observables_restricted_to_subsystem(
qubits: Sequence[int], global_observables: Sequence[Pauli] | PauliList, /
) -> list[Pauli] | PauliList:
"""Restrict each observable to its support on a given subsystem.
A :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.PauliList` will be returned if a :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.PauliList` is provided; otherwise,
a ``list[Pauli]`` will be returned.
Any phase information will be discarded, consistent with the standard behavior when slicing a Pauli.
qubits: The qubits in a subsystem
global_observables: The list of observables
Each :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli` restricted to the subsystem.
>>> observables_restricted_to_subsystem([1, 3], PauliList(["IXYZ", "iZZXX"]))
PauliList(['IY', 'ZX'])
if isinstance(global_observables, PauliList):
# Optimized path if we are given a PauliList
o = global_observables
return PauliList.from_symplectic(o.z[:, qubits], o.x[:, qubits])
# As a fallback, deal with each Pauli individually and return a list
return [observable[(qubits,)] for observable in global_observables]
def most_general_observable(
commuting_observables: PauliList | Sequence[Pauli], /, num_qubits: int | None = None
) -> Pauli:
"""Return the most general observable from a sequence of commuting observables.
Given a list of operators over qubits claimed to be mutually qubit-wise
commuting, return the Pauli string we can measure to determine everything
of interest.
commuting_observables: Input sequence of mutually qubit-wise commuting observables
num_qubits: Number of qubits. If ``None``, it is inferred from
``commuting_observables`` (default: ``None``).
ValueError: The input sequence is empty (in which case, no experiment is even needed
to measure the observables)
ValueError: The input sequence is _not_ mutually qubit-wise commuting
ValueError: An observable has an unexpected ``num_qubits``
>>> most_general_observable(PauliList(["IIIZ", "IIZZ", "XIII"]))
if len(commuting_observables) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Empty input sequence: consider performing no experiments rather than an "
"experiment over the identity Pauli."
if num_qubits is None:
num_qubits = len(commuting_observables[0])
rv = Pauli((np.zeros(num_qubits), np.zeros(num_qubits)))
# TODO(perf): This is a slow Python loop within a loop, surely slower than
# it _could_ be, *especially* if given a PauliList.
# Indeed, this can be made better by using pauli.x and pauli.z arrays
# https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/blob/061aee2685676271fd0860d0a2d699e36941ae5e/qiskit/primitives/backend_estimator.py#L403-L404
for j, obs in enumerate(commuting_observables):
if not isinstance(obs, Pauli):
raise ValueError("Input sequence includes something other than a Pauli.")
if len(obs) != num_qubits:
raise ValueError(
f"Observable {j} has incorrect qubit count ({len(obs)} rather than "
for i, o in enumerate(obs):
if o == _I:
rv_i = rv[i]
if rv_i == o:
if rv_i != _I:
raise ValueError(
"Observables are incompatible; cannot construct a single general observable."
rv[i] = o
return rv
class CommutingObservableGroup:
r"""Set of mutually qubit-wise commuting observables."""
#: A single Pauli string that contains all qubit-wise measurements needed
#: to measure everything in ``commuting_observables``.
general_observable: Pauli
#: Observables that can be measured simultaneously.
commuting_observables: list[Pauli]
#: The indices of non-identity :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli`\ s in ``general_observable``.
pauli_indices: list[int] = field(init=False)
#: A bitmask for each observable in ``commuting_observables``; given an element, each bit corresponds to whether
#: the corresponding entry in ``pauli_indices`` is relevant to that observable.
pauli_bitmasks: list[int] = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""Post-init method for the data class."""
# TODO(perf): These loops could be faster; see e.g. https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/blob/061aee2685676271fd0860d0a2d699e36941ae5e/qiskit/primitives/backend_estimator.py#L398-L413
pauli_indices: list[int] = [
i for i, pauli in enumerate(self.general_observable) if pauli != _I
pauli_bitmasks: list[int] = []
for pauli in self.commuting_observables:
if pauli.phase != 0:
raise ValueError(
"CommutingObservableGroup only supports Paulis with phase == 0. "
f"(Value provided: {pauli.phase})"
v = 0
for i, j in enumerate(pauli_indices):
if pauli[j] != _I:
v |= 1 << i
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html#frozen-instances
# says "when using frozen=True: __init__() cannot use simple assignment
# to initialize fields, and must use object.__setattr__()."
object.__setattr__(self, "pauli_indices", pauli_indices)
object.__setattr__(self, "pauli_bitmasks", pauli_bitmasks)
class ObservableCollection:
"""Collection of observables organized for efficient taking of measurements.
The observables are automatically organized into sets of mutually
qubit-wise commuting observables, each represented by a
def __init__(self, observables: PauliList | Iterable[Pauli], /):
"""Assign member variables.
observables: Observables of interest
# From here forward, we only need to process *unique* observables.
if isinstance(observables, PauliList):
unique_observables = observables.unique()
unique_observables = PauliList(set(observables))
# Group the desired observables into sets that mutually commute. We
# make it a list[list[Pauli]] rather than a list[PauliList] so that we
# can "fix it up" later, in case we have *multiple* general observables
# that can yield measurements of some of the observables. That way, we
# are maximizing information obtained from each shot.
commuting_groups: list[list[Pauli]] = [
list(group) for group in unique_observables.group_commuting(qubit_wise=True)
# Construct the most general observable from each set of mutually
# qubit-wise commuting observables.
general_observables = self.construct_general_observables(commuting_groups)
# TODO: Fix up commuting_groups here. Currently, Terra's
# `group_commuting` will put each observable into at most a single set.
# However, a given observable might actually be mutually commuting with
# more than one set. Taking advantage of this will allow us to collect
# more statistics for the observable without doing any additional
# quantum experiments. To be specific, we should handle the particular
# special case of this where multiple `general_observables` actually
# _contain_ the observable. This covers what is probably the most
# important case, evaluating the "expectation value" of the identity of
# the current subsystem (which really just involves keeping track of
# QPD measurements only).
# https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-addon-cutting/issues/155
# For each mutually commuting group of observables, we put together a
# CommutingObservableGroup data structure.
groups: list[CommutingObservableGroup] = [
for (general_observable, commuting_observables) in strict_zip(
general_observables, commuting_groups
# Now we construct a dict that maps each observable to location(s)
# in the groups of commuting_observables.
lookup: dict[Pauli, list[tuple[int, int]]] = defaultdict(list)
for i, group in enumerate(groups):
for j, obs in enumerate(group.commuting_observables):
lookup[obs].append((i, j))
lookup = dict(lookup)
self._groups = groups
self._lookup = lookup
def construct_general_observables(
commuting_subobservables: list[list[Pauli]], /
) -> list[Pauli]:
"""Construct the most general observable from each set of mutually commuting observables.
In special cases, advanced users may want to subclass and override this
``staticmethod`` in order to measure additional qubits than the default
for each general observable.
# NOTE: We _could_ make this return a PauliList instead of a
# list[Pauli], but currently there is no clear benefit.
return [most_general_observable(group) for group in commuting_subobservables]
def groups(self) -> list[CommutingObservableGroup]:
r"""List of :class:`.CommutingObservableGroup`\ s which, together, contain all desired observables."""
return self._groups
def lookup(self) -> dict[Pauli, list[tuple[int, int]]]:
"""Get dict which maps each :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli` observable to a list of indices, ``(i, j)``, to commuting observables in ``groups``.
For each element of the list, it means that the :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli` is given by
the ``j``-th commuting observable in the ``i``-th group.
This list will be of length 1 at minimum, but may potentially be longer
if multiple :class:`.CommutingObservableGroup` objects are compatible with the given
return self._lookup