Source code for qiskit_addon_cutting.qpd.qpd_basis

# This code is a Qiskit project.

# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.

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"""Class containing the basis in which to decompose an operation."""
from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction

[docs] class QPDBasis: """Basis in which to decompose an operation. This class defines a basis in which a quantum operation will be decomposed. The ideal (noise-free) quantum operation will be decomposed into a quasiprobabilistic mixture of noisy circuits. """ def __init__( self, maps: Sequence[tuple[Sequence[Instruction], ...]], coeffs: Sequence[float], ): """ Assign member variables. Args: maps: A sequence of tuples describing the noisy operations probabilistically used to simulate an ideal quantum operation. coeffs: Coefficients for quasiprobability representation. Each coefficient can be any real number. Returns: None """ self._set_maps(maps) self.coeffs = coeffs # Note: probabilities and kappa calculated through coeffs @property def maps( self, ) -> Sequence[tuple[Sequence[Instruction], ...]]: """Get mappings for each qubit in the decomposition.""" return self._maps def _set_maps( self, maps: Sequence[tuple[Sequence[Instruction], ...]], ) -> None: if len(maps) == 0: raise ValueError("Number of maps passed to QPDBasis must be nonzero.") num_qubits = len(maps[0]) if num_qubits > 2: raise ValueError("QPDBasis supports at most two qubits.") for i in range(1, len(maps)): if len(maps[i]) != num_qubits: raise ValueError( f"All maps passed to QPDBasis must act on the same number of " f"qubits. (Index {i} contains a {len(maps[i])}-tuple but should " f"contain a {num_qubits}-tuple.)" ) self._maps = maps @property def num_qubits(self) -> int: """Get number of qubits that this decomposition acts on.""" return len(self._maps[0]) @property def coeffs(self) -> Sequence[float]: """Quasiprobability decomposition coefficients.""" return self._coeffs @coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs: Sequence[float]) -> None: if len(coeffs) != len(self.maps): # Note: cross-validation raise ValueError("Coefficients must be same length as maps.") weights = np.abs(coeffs) self._kappa = sum(weights) self._probabilities = weights / self._kappa self._coeffs = coeffs @property def probabilities(self) -> Sequence[float]: """Get the probabilities on which the maps will be sampled.""" return self._probabilities @property def kappa(self) -> float: """ Get the square root of the sampling overhead. This quantity is the sum of the magnitude of the coefficients. """ return self._kappa @property def overhead(self) -> float: """ Get the sampling overhead. The sampling overhead is the square of the sum of the magnitude of the coefficients. """ return self._kappa**2 @staticmethod def from_instruction(gate: Instruction, /) -> QPDBasis: """ Generate a :class:`.QPDBasis` object, given a supported operation. This static method is provided for convenience; it simply calls :func:`~qpd.decompositions.qpdbasis_from_instruction` under the hood. Args: gate: The instruction from which to instantiate a decomposition Returns: The newly-instantiated :class:`QPDBasis` object """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from .decompositions import qpdbasis_from_instruction return qpdbasis_from_instruction(gate) def __eq__(self, other): """Check equivalence for QPDBasis class.""" if other.__class__ is not self.__class__: return False if len(self.maps) != len(other.maps) or len(self.coeffs) != len(other.coeffs): return False if self.maps != other.maps: return False if self.coeffs != other.coeffs: return False return True