Source code for qiskit_addon_cutting.qpd.instructions.qpd_gate

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"""Quasiprobability decomposition gates."""

from __future__ import annotations

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, Instruction, CircuitInstruction

from ..qpd_basis import QPDBasis

[docs] class BaseQPDGate(Instruction): """Base class for a gate to be decomposed using quasiprobability decomposition.""" def __init__( self, name: str, basis: QPDBasis, num_qubits: int, *, basis_id: int | None = None, label: str | None = None, ): """ Initialize the instruction, and assign member variables. Args: name: Name of the QPD gate. basis: A probabilistic basis to which the gate should be decomposed num_qubits: The number of qubits on which the QPD gate acts basis_id: An index to the basis to which the gate should be decomposed. This index is to basis.maps. label: An optional label for the gate """ super().__init__(name, num_qubits, num_clbits=0, params=[], label=label) # Set class fields shared by all QPDGates self._set_basis(basis) # Checking performed in setter to ensure idx in range self.basis_id = basis_id @property def basis(self) -> QPDBasis: """ Quasiprobability decomposition basis. Returns: The basis to which the gate should be decomposed """ return self._basis def _set_basis(self, basis: QPDBasis) -> None: self._basis = basis @property def basis_id(self) -> int | None: """ Index to basis used to decompose this gate. If set to None, a random basis will be chosen during decomposition. Returns: The basis index """ return self._basis_id @basis_id.setter def basis_id(self, basis_id: int | None) -> None: """ Set the index to the basis to which this gate should decompose. The index corresponds to self.basis.maps. Raises: ValueError: basis_id is out of range. """ if basis_id is not None and basis_id not in range(0, len(self._basis.maps)): raise ValueError("Basis ID out of range") self._basis_id = basis_id def __eq__(self, other): """Check equivalence for QPDGate class.""" return ( type(other) is type(self) and self.basis == other.basis and self.basis_id == other.basis_id and self.num_qubits == other.num_qubits and == and self.label == other.label )
[docs] class TwoQubitQPDGate(BaseQPDGate): """Two qubit gate to be decomposed using quasiprobability decomposition.""" def __init__( self, basis: QPDBasis, *, basis_id: int | None = None, label: str | None = None, ): """ Initialize the two qubit QPD gate. Raises: ValueError: The :class:`QPDBasis` acts on a number of qubits not equal to 2. """ if basis.num_qubits != 2: raise ValueError( "TwoQubitQPDGate only supports QPDBasis which act on two qubits." ) super().__init__("qpd_2q", basis, 2, basis_id=basis_id, label=label) def _define(self) -> None: qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qpd_gate1 = SingleQubitQPDGate( basis=self.basis, qubit_id=0, basis_id=self.basis_id, label=self.label ) qpd_gate2 = SingleQubitQPDGate( basis=self.basis, qubit_id=1, basis_id=self.basis_id, label=self.label ) qc.append(CircuitInstruction(qpd_gate1, [qc.qubits[0]], [])) qc.append(CircuitInstruction(qpd_gate2, [qc.qubits[1]], [])) self.definition = qc @classmethod def from_instruction(cls, instruction: Instruction, /): """Create a :class:`TwoQubitQPDGate` which represents a cut version of the given ``instruction``.""" decomposition = QPDBasis.from_instruction(instruction) return TwoQubitQPDGate(decomposition, label=f"cut_{}")
[docs] class SingleQubitQPDGate(BaseQPDGate): """ Single qubit gate to be decomposed using quasiprobability decomposition. This gate could be part of a larger decomposition on many qubits, or it could be a standalone single gate decomposition. """ def __init__( self, basis: QPDBasis, qubit_id: int, *, basis_id: int | None = None, label: str | None = None, ): """ Initialize the single qubit QPD gate, and assign member variables. Args: qubit_id: This gate's relative index to the decomposition which it belongs. Single qubit QPDGates should have qubit_id 0 if they describe a local decomposition, such as a wire cut. Raises: ValueError: qubit_id is out of range """ super().__init__( name="qpd_1q", basis=basis, num_qubits=1, basis_id=basis_id, label=label ) self._set_qubit_id(qubit_id) @property def qubit_id(self) -> int: """Relative qubit index of this gate in the overall decomposition.""" return self._qubit_id def _set_qubit_id(self, qubit_id: int) -> None: if qubit_id >= self.basis.num_qubits: raise ValueError( f"'qubit_id' out of range. 'basis' acts on {self.basis.num_qubits} qubits, " f"but 'qubit_id' is {qubit_id}." ) self._qubit_id = qubit_id def _define(self) -> None: if self.basis_id is None: # With basis_id is not set, it does not make sense to define this # operation in terms of more fundamental instructions, so we have # self.definition remain as None. return qc = QuantumCircuit(1) base = self.basis.maps[self.basis_id] for op in base[self.qubit_id]: qc.append(CircuitInstruction(op, [qc.qubits[0]], [])) self.definition = qc @property def _directive(self): """``True`` if the ``basis_id`` is unassigned, which implies this instruction cannot be decomposed.""" return self.basis_id is None def __eq__(self, other): """Check equivalence for SingleQubitQPDGate class.""" return super().__eq__(other) and self.qubit_id == other.qubit_id