Source code for qiskit_addon_cutting.cutting_decomposition

# This code is a Qiskit project.

# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.

# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Functions for decomposing circuits and observables for cutting."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import defaultdict
from import Sequence, Hashable
from typing import NamedTuple

from qiskit.circuit import (
from qiskit.quantum_info import PauliList

from .utils.observable_grouping import observables_restricted_to_subsystem
from .utils.transforms import separate_circuit, _partition_labels_from_circuit
from .qpd.qpd_basis import QPDBasis
from .qpd.instructions import TwoQubitQPDGate

[docs] class PartitionedCuttingProblem(NamedTuple): """The result of decomposing and separating a circuit and observable(s).""" subcircuits: dict[Hashable, QuantumCircuit] bases: list[QPDBasis] subobservables: dict[Hashable, PauliList] | None = None
[docs] def partition_circuit_qubits( circuit: QuantumCircuit, partition_labels: Sequence[Hashable], inplace: bool = False ) -> QuantumCircuit: r""" Replace all nonlocal gates belonging to more than one partition with instances of :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`. :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`\ s belonging to a single partition will not be affected. Args: circuit: The circuit to partition partition_labels: A sequence containing a partition label for each qubit in the input circuit. Nonlocal gates belonging to more than one partition will be replaced with :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`\ s. inplace: Flag denoting whether to copy the input circuit before acting on it Returns: The output circuit with each nonlocal gate spanning two partitions replaced by a :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate` Raises: ValueError: The length of partition_labels does not equal the number of qubits in the circuit. ValueError: Input circuit contains unsupported gate. """ if len(partition_labels) != len(circuit.qubits): raise ValueError( f"Length of partition_labels ({len(partition_labels)}) does not equal the number of qubits " f"in the input circuit ({len(circuit.qubits)})." ) if not inplace: circuit = circuit.copy() # Find 2-qubit gates spanning more than one partition and replace it with a QPDGate. for i, instruction in enumerate( if == "barrier": continue qubit_indices = [circuit.find_bit(qubit).index for qubit in instruction.qubits] partitions_spanned = {partition_labels[idx] for idx in qubit_indices} # Ignore local gates and gates that span only one partition if ( len(qubit_indices) <= 1 or len(partitions_spanned) == 1 or isinstance(instruction.operation, Barrier) ): continue if len(qubit_indices) > 2: raise ValueError( "Decomposition is only supported for two-qubit gates. Cannot " f"decompose ({})." ) # Nonlocal gate exists in two separate partitions if isinstance(instruction.operation, TwoQubitQPDGate): continue qpd_gate = TwoQubitQPDGate.from_instruction(instruction.operation)[i] = CircuitInstruction(qpd_gate, qubits=qubit_indices) return circuit
[docs] def cut_gates( circuit: QuantumCircuit, gate_ids: Sequence[int], inplace: bool = False ) -> tuple[QuantumCircuit, list[QPDBasis]]: r""" Transform specified gates into :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`\ s. Args: circuit: The circuit containing gates to be decomposed gate_ids: The indices of the gates to decompose inplace: Flag denoting whether to copy the input circuit before acting on it Returns: A copy of the input circuit with the specified gates replaced with :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`\ s and a list of :class:`.QPDBasis` instances -- one for each decomposed gate. Raises: ValueError: The input circuit should contain no classical bits or registers. """ if len(circuit.cregs) != 0 or circuit.num_clbits != 0: raise ValueError( "Circuits input to cut_gates should contain no classical registers or bits." ) # Replace specified gates with TwoQubitQPDGates if not inplace: circuit = circuit.copy() bases = [] for gate_id in gate_ids: gate =[gate_id] qubit_indices = [circuit.find_bit(qubit).index for qubit in gate.qubits] qpd_gate = TwoQubitQPDGate.from_instruction(gate.operation) bases.append(qpd_gate.basis)[gate_id] = CircuitInstruction(qpd_gate, qubits=qubit_indices) return circuit, bases
[docs] def partition_problem( circuit: QuantumCircuit, partition_labels: Sequence[Hashable] | None = None, observables: PauliList | None = None, ) -> PartitionedCuttingProblem: r""" Separate an input circuit and observable(s). If ``partition_labels`` is provided, then qubits with matching partition labels will be grouped together, and non-local gates spanning more than one partition will be cut apart. The label ``None`` is treated specially: any qubit with that partition label must be unused in the circuit. If ``partition_labels`` is not provided, then it will be determined automatically from the connectivity of the circuit. This automatic determination ignores any :class:`.TwoQubitQPDGate`\ s in the ``circuit``, as these denote instructions that are explicitly destined for cutting. The resulting partition labels, in the automatic case, will be consecutive integers starting with 0. Qubits which are idle throughout the circuit will be assigned a partition label of ``None``. All cut instructions will be replaced with :class:`.SingleQubitQPDGate`\ s. If provided, ``observables`` will be separated along the boundaries specified by the partition labels. Args: circuit: The circuit to partition and separate partition_labels: A sequence of labels, such that each label corresponds to the circuit qubit with the same index observables: The observables to separate Returns: A tuple containing a dictionary mapping a partition label to a subcircuit, a list of QPD bases (one for each circuit gate or wire which was decomposed), and, optionally, a dictionary mapping a partition label to a list of Pauli observables. Raises: ValueError: The number of partition labels does not equal the number of qubits in the circuit. ValueError: An input observable acts on a different number of qubits than the input circuit. ValueError: An input observable has a phase not equal to 1. ValueError: A qubit with a label of ``None`` is not idle ValueError: The input circuit should contain no classical bits or registers. """ if partition_labels is not None and len(partition_labels) != circuit.num_qubits: raise ValueError( f"The number of partition labels ({len(partition_labels)}) must equal the number " f"of qubits in the circuit ({circuit.num_qubits})." ) if observables is not None and any( len(obs) != circuit.num_qubits for obs in observables ): raise ValueError( "An input observable acts on a different number of qubits than the input circuit." ) if observables is not None and any(obs.phase != 0 for obs in observables): raise ValueError("An input observable has a phase not equal to 1.") if len(circuit.cregs) != 0 or circuit.num_clbits != 0: raise ValueError( "Circuits input to partition_problem should contain no classical registers or bits." ) # Determine partition labels from connectivity (ignoring TwoQubitQPDGates) # if partition_labels is not specified if partition_labels is None: partition_labels = _partition_labels_from_circuit( circuit, ignore=lambda inst: isinstance(inst.operation, TwoQubitQPDGate) ) # Partition the circuit with TwoQubitQPDGates and assign the order via their labels qpd_circuit = partition_circuit_qubits(circuit, partition_labels) bases = [] i = 0 for inst in if isinstance(inst.operation, TwoQubitQPDGate): bases.append(inst.operation.basis) inst.operation.label = f"{inst.operation.label}_{i}" i += 1 # Separate the decomposed circuit into its subcircuits qpd_circuit_dx = qpd_circuit.decompose(TwoQubitQPDGate) separated_circs = separate_circuit(qpd_circuit_dx, partition_labels) # Decompose the observables, if provided subobservables_by_subsystem = None if observables: subobservables_by_subsystem = decompose_observables( observables, partition_labels ) return PartitionedCuttingProblem( separated_circs.subcircuits, # type: ignore bases, subobservables=subobservables_by_subsystem, )
def decompose_observables( observables: PauliList, partition_labels: Sequence[Hashable] ) -> dict[Hashable, PauliList]: """ Decompose a list of observables with respect to some qubit partition labels. Args: observables: A list of observables to decompose partition_labels: A sequence of partition labels, such that each label corresponds to the qubit in the same index Returns: A dictionary mapping a partition to its associated sub-observables """ qubits_by_subsystem = defaultdict(list) for i, label in enumerate(partition_labels): qubits_by_subsystem[label].append(i) qubits_by_subsystem = dict(qubits_by_subsystem) # type: ignore subobservables_by_subsystem = { label: observables_restricted_to_subsystem(qubits, observables) for label, qubits in qubits_by_subsystem.items() } return subobservables_by_subsystem