Source code for qiskit_addon_cutting.automated_cut_finding

# This code is a Qiskit project.

# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.

# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Function for automatically finding locations for gate and wire cuts."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import cast, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit, CircuitInstruction

from .instructions import CutWire
from .cutting_decomposition import cut_gates
from .cut_finding.optimization_settings import OptimizationSettings
from .cut_finding.disjoint_subcircuits_state import DisjointSubcircuitsState
from .cut_finding.circuit_interface import SimpleGateList
from .cut_finding.lo_cuts_optimizer import LOCutsOptimizer
from .cut_finding.cco_utils import qc_to_cco_circuit

[docs] def find_cuts( circuit: QuantumCircuit, optimization: OptimizationParameters, constraints: DeviceConstraints, ) -> tuple[QuantumCircuit, dict[str, float]]: """Find cut locations in a circuit, given optimization parameters and cutting constraints. Args: circuit: The circuit to cut. The input circuit may not contain gates acting on more than two qubits. optimization: Options for controlling optimizer behavior. Currently, the optimal cuts are chosen using Dijkstra's best-first search algorithm. constraints: Constraints on how the circuit may be partitioned Returns: A circuit containing :class:`.BaseQPDGate` instances. The subcircuits resulting from cutting these gates will be runnable on the devices meeting the ``constraints``. A metadata dictionary: - cuts: A list of length-2 tuples describing each cut in the output circuit. The tuples are formatted as ``(cut_type: str, cut_id: int)``. The cut ID is the index of the cut gate or wire in the output circuit's ``data`` field. - sampling_overhead: The sampling overhead incurred from cutting the specified gates and wires. - minimum_reached: A bool indicating whether or not the search conclusively found the minimum of cost function. ``minimum_reached = False`` could also mean that the cost returned was actually the lowest possible cost but that the search was not allowed to run long enough to prove that this was the case. Raises: ValueError: The input circuit contains a gate acting on more than 2 qubits. """ circuit_cco = qc_to_cco_circuit(circuit) interface = SimpleGateList(circuit_cco) opt_settings = OptimizationSettings( seed=optimization.seed, max_gamma=optimization.max_gamma, max_backjumps=optimization.max_backjumps, gate_lo=optimization.gate_lo, wire_lo=optimization.wire_lo, ) # Hard-code the optimizer to an LO-only optimizer optimizer = LOCutsOptimizer(interface, opt_settings, constraints) # Find cut locations opt_out = optimizer.optimize() wire_cut_actions = [] gate_ids = [] opt_out = cast(DisjointSubcircuitsState, opt_out) opt_out.actions = cast(list, opt_out.actions) for action in opt_out.actions: if action.action.get_name() == "CutTwoQubitGate": gate_ids.append(action.gate_spec.instruction_id) else: # The cut-finding optimizer currently only supports 4 cutting # actions: {CutTwoQubitGate + these 3 wire cut types} assert action.action.get_name() in ( "CutLeftWire", "CutRightWire", "CutBothWires", ) wire_cut_actions.append(action) # First, replace all gates to cut with BaseQPDGate instances. # This assumes each gate to cut is replaced 1-to-1 with a QPD gate. # This may not hold in the future as we stop treating gate cuts individually. circ_out = cut_gates(circuit, gate_ids)[0] # Insert all the wire cuts counter = 0 for action in sorted(wire_cut_actions, key=lambda a: a[1][0]): inst_id = action.gate_spec.instruction_id # action.args[0][0] will be either 1 (control) or 2 (target) qubit_id = action.args[0][0] - 1 inst_id + counter, CircuitInstruction(CutWire(), [[inst_id].qubits[qubit_id]], []), ) counter += 1 if action.action.get_name() == "CutBothWires": # There should be two wires specified in the action in this case assert len(action.args) == 2 qubit_id2 = action.args[1][0] - 1 inst_id + counter, CircuitInstruction( CutWire(), [[inst_id].qubits[qubit_id2]], [] ), ) counter += 1 # Return metadata describing the cut scheme metadata: dict[str, Any] = {"cuts": []} for i, inst in enumerate( if == "qpd_2q": metadata["cuts"].append(("Gate Cut", i)) elif == "cut_wire": metadata["cuts"].append(("Wire Cut", i)) metadata["sampling_overhead"] = opt_out.upper_bound_gamma() ** 2 metadata["minimum_reached"] = optimizer.minimum_reached() return circ_out, metadata
[docs] @dataclass class OptimizationParameters: """Specify parameters that control the optimization. If either of the constraints specified by ``max_backjumps`` or ``max_gamma`` are exceeded, the search terminates but nevertheless returns the result of a greedy best first search, which gives an *upper-bound* on gamma. """ #: The seed to use when initializing Numpy random number generators in the best first search priority queue. seed: int | None = OptimizationSettings().seed #: Maximum allowed value of gamma which, if exceeded, forces the search to terminate. max_gamma: float = OptimizationSettings().max_gamma #: Maximum number of backjumps that can be performed before the search is forced to terminate; setting it to ``None`` implies that no such restriction is placed. max_backjumps: None | int = OptimizationSettings().max_backjumps #: Bool indicating whether or not to allow LO gate cuts while finding cuts. gate_lo: bool = OptimizationSettings().gate_lo #: Bool indicating whether or not to allow LO wire cuts while finding cuts. wire_lo: bool = OptimizationSettings().wire_lo
[docs] @dataclass class DeviceConstraints: """Specify the constraints (qubits per subcircuit) that must be respected.""" qubits_per_subcircuit: int def __post_init__(self): """Post-init method for data class.""" if self.qubits_per_subcircuit < 1: raise ValueError( "qubits_per_subcircuit must be a positive definite integer." ) def get_qpu_width(self) -> int: """Return the number of qubits per subcircuit.""" return self.qubits_per_subcircuit