Understand open-shell vs closed-shell options and its effect in the subspace construction

In this “how-to”, we will show how to choose subpace dimensions in the qiskit_addon_sqd package to post-process quantum samples using the self-consistent configuration recovery technique.

More importantly, this “how-to” also highlights some differences in the behaviour in the susbapce construction when run in open_shell = False or open_shell = True modes:

  • open_shell = False only works when the number of spin-up and spin-down electrons is the same.

  • open_shell = True must be used when the number of spin-up and spin-down electrons is different. It can also be used when the number of spin-up and spin-down electrons is the same. However, in this last case, there is a difference in the sizes of the subspaces generated between open_shell = False and open_shell = True, as discussed in this notebook.

NOTE: Some of the electronic-configuration (bitstring) manipulations in this package have as a goal to preserve the total spin symmetry \(S^2\). Standard Selected Counfiguration Interaction (SCI) solvers cannot impose \(S^2\) conservation exactly. Consequently, they do so approximately via a Lagrange multiplier.

The choice of electronic configurations entering the eigenstate solver can also have a strong effect in the conservation of spin. For example, in a (2-electron,2-orbital) system, one may sample the configuration \(|1001\rangle\) (having a single spin-up excitation over the RHF state \(|0101\rangle\)) which is a linear combination of the open-shell singlet and triplet states, respectively \((|1001\rangle ± |0110\rangle) /\sqrt{2}\). If the configuration |0110⟩ is not sampled, one can construct neither eigenfunction of total spin, leading to spin contamination or redundancy (i.e. the configuration |1001⟩ is involved in a CI calculation, but has coefficient 0 in the CI vector). Consider that a single sample \(|1001\rangle\) is generated in the quantum computer, this is how the sqd package handles this situation:

  • open_shell = False:

    1. The \(1001\) bitstring is split in half, representing spin-up and spin-down configurations: \(10\) (up) and \(01\) (down).

    2. The list of unique spin-polarized configurations is constructed: \(\mathcal{U} = [01, 10]\).

    3. We then consider all possible combinations of \(\mathcal{U}\) elements to form the basis: \(\left \{ |0101\rangle, |0110\rangle , |1001\rangle , |1010\rangle \right \}\), which contains the singlet and triplet states.

  • open_shell = True:

    1. Contrary to the open_shell = False case, we do not combine the halves of the bitstring to form the basis.


This example shows how the bitstrings are manipulated in a (2-electron, 4-orbital) system.

# Specify molecule properties
num_orbitals = 4
num_elec_a = num_elec_b = 1
open_shell = False

Specify by hand a dictionary of measurement outcomes

counts_dict = {"00010010": 1 / 2.0 - 0.01, "01001000": 1 / 2.0 - 0.01, "00010001": 0.02}

Transform the counts dict into a bitstring matrix and probability array for post-processing

from qiskit_addon_sqd.counts import counts_to_arrays

# Convert counts into bitstring and probability arrays
bitstring_matrix_full, probs_arr_full = counts_to_arrays(counts_dict)
[[False False False  True False False  True False]
 [False  True False False  True False False False]
 [False False False  True False False False  True]]
[0.49 0.49 0.02]

Subsample a single batch of size two:

  • n_batches = 1: Number of batches of configurations used by the different calls to the eigenstate solver

  • samples_per_batch = 2: Number of unique configurations to include in each batch

from qiskit_addon_sqd.subsampling import postselect_and_subsample

n_batches = 1
samples_per_batch = 2

# seed for random number generator
rand_seed = 48

# Generate the batches
batches = postselect_and_subsample(

[[False False False  True False False  True False]
 [False  True False False  True False False False]]

Obtain decimal representation of the spin-up and spin-down bitstrings used by the eigenstate solver

The fist element in the tuple corresponds to the decimal representation of the spin-up configurations, while the second element in the tuple corresponds to the decimal representation of the spin-down configurations

from qiskit_addon_sqd.fermion import bitstring_matrix_to_ci_strs

ci_strs = bitstring_matrix_to_ci_strs(batches[0], open_shell=open_shell)
(array([1, 2, 4, 8], dtype=int64), array([1, 2, 4, 8], dtype=int64))

Note that while the number of samples per batch is 2, and the sampled bitstrings are: \(00010010\) and \(01001000\), four electronic configurations are generated per spin-species. In this case, the set of unique spin-polarized configurations is given by:

\[\mathcal{U} = \{ 0001, 0010, 0100, 1000 \}\]

whose base-10 decimal representation is

\[\mathcal{U}_{10} = \{ 1, 2, 4, 8 \}\]

Basis of the subspace:

The eigenstate solver takes all possible pairs of spin-up and spin-down bitstrings to construnct the basis \(\mathcal{B}\) of the subspace:

  • Element 1: \(|00010001\rangle\)

  • Element 2: \(|00010010\rangle\)

  • Element 3: \(|00010100\rangle\)

  • Element 4: \(|00011000\rangle\)

  • Element 5: \(|00100001\rangle\)

  • Element 6: \(|00100010\rangle\)

  • Element 7: \(|00100100\rangle\)

  • Element 8: \(|00101000\rangle\)

  • Element 9: \(|01000001\rangle\)

  • Element 10: \(|01000010\rangle\)

  • Element 11: \(|01000100\rangle\)

  • Element 12: \(|01001000\rangle\)

  • Element 13: \(|10000001\rangle\)

  • Element 14: \(|10000010\rangle\)

  • Element 15: \(|10000100\rangle\)

  • Element 16: \(|10001000\rangle\)

ci_strs_up, ci_strs_dn = ci_strs

print("Basis elements of the subspace:")

for ci_str_up in ci_strs_up:
    for ci_str_dn in ci_strs_dn:
        format_name = "{0:0" + str(num_orbitals) + "b}"
        print("|" + format_name.format(ci_str_up) + format_name.format(ci_str_dn) + ">")
Basis elements of the subspace:

The subspace dimension is upper-bounded by: \(2 \cdot\) (samples_per_batch)\(^2\)


This example shows how the bitstrings are manipulated in a (2-electron, 4-orbital) system.

# Specify molecule properties
num_orbitals = 4
num_elec_a = num_elec_b = 1
open_shell = True

Specify by hand a dictionary of measurement outcomes

counts_dict = {"00010010": 1 / 2.0 - 0.01, "01001000": 1 / 2.0 - 0.01, "00010001": 0.02}

Transform the counts dict into a bitstring matrix and probability array for post-processing

# Convert counts into bitstring and probability arrays
bitstring_matrix_full, probs_arr_full = counts_to_arrays(counts_dict)
[[False False False  True False False  True False]
 [False  True False False  True False False False]
 [False False False  True False False False  True]]
[0.49 0.49 0.02]

Subsample a single batch of size two:

  • n_batches = 1: Number of batches of configurations used by the different calls to the eigenstate solver

  • samples_per_batch = 2: Number of unique configurations to include in each batch

n_batches = 1
samples_per_batch = 2

# seed for random number generator
rand_seed = 48

# Generate the batches
batches = postselect_and_subsample(

[[False False False  True False False  True False]
 [False  True False False  True False False False]]

Obtain decimal representation of the spin-up and spin-down bitstrings used by the eigenstate solver

The fist element in the tuple corresponds to the decimal representation of the spin-up configurations, while the second element in the tuple corresponds to the decimal representation of the spin-down configurations

ci_strs = bitstring_matrix_to_ci_strs(batches[0], open_shell=open_shell)
(array([2, 8], dtype=int64), array([1, 4], dtype=int64))

If we specify that open_shell = True, now we do not include all unique half-bitstrings as spin-up and spin-down configurations, thus yielding a smaller basis as when specifying open_shell = False

Basis of the subspace:

The eigenstate solver takes all possible pairs of spin-up and spin-down bitstrings to construnct the basis \(\mathcal{B}\) of the subspace:

  • Element 1: \(|00010010\rangle\)

  • Element 2: \(|00011000\rangle\)

  • Element 3: \(|01000010\rangle\)

  • Element 4: \(|01001000\rangle\)

ci_strs_up, ci_strs_dn = ci_strs

print("Basis elements of the subspace:")

for ci_str_up in ci_strs_up:
    for ci_str_dn in ci_strs_dn:
        format_name = "{0:0" + str(num_orbitals) + "b}"
        print("|" + format_name.format(ci_str_up) + format_name.format(ci_str_dn) + ">")
Basis elements of the subspace:

The subspace dimension is upper-bounded by: (samples_per_batch)\(^2\)