Source code for mthree.classes

# This code is part of Mthree.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


Distribution collections

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../stubs/


import math
import numpy as np
from qiskit.result import Counts

from mthree.probability import quasi_to_probs
from mthree.expval import exp_val
from mthree.exceptions import M3Error

[docs] class ProbDistribution(dict): """A generic dict-like class for probability distributions.""" def __init__(self, data, shots=None, mitigation_overhead=None): """A generic dict-like class for probability distributions. Parameters: data (dict or Counts or ProbDistribution or QuasiDistribution): Input data. shots (int): Number shots taken to form distribution. Raises: M3Error: Input not derived from discrete samples. """ # _gen_call means being called from the general utils function if isinstance(data, Counts): # Convert Counts to probs self.shots = sum(data.values()) self.mitigation_overhead = 1 _data = {} for ( key, val, ) in data.items(): _data[key] = val / self.shots data = _data else: if shots is None: self.shots = sum(data.values()) self.mitigation_overhead = 1 if self.shots != 1: _data = {} for ( key, val, ) in data.items(): _data[key] = val / self.shots data = _data else: self.shots = shots self.mitigation_overhead = mitigation_overhead super().__init__(data)
[docs] def expval(self, exp_ops=""): """Compute expectation value from distribution. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): String representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float: Expectation value. Raises: M3Error: Invalid type passed to exp_ops Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, str): return exp_val(self, exp_ops=exp_ops) elif isinstance(exp_ops, dict): return exp_val(self, dict_ops=exp_ops) elif isinstance(exp_ops, list): return np.array([self.expval(item) for item in exp_ops], dtype=np.float32) else: raise M3Error("Invalid type passed to exp_ops")
[docs] def stddev(self): """Compute standard deviation from distribution. Returns: float: Standard deviation. Raises: M3Error: Distribution is missing info. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if self.shots is None: raise M3Error("Prob-dist is missing shots information.") if self.mitigation_overhead is None: raise M3Error("Prob-dist is missing mitigation overhead.") return math.sqrt(self.mitigation_overhead / self.shots)
[docs] def expval_and_stddev(self, exp_ops=""): """Compute expectation value and standard deviation from distribution. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float: Expectation value. float: Standard deviation. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ return self.expval(exp_ops), self.stddev()
[docs] class QuasiDistribution(dict): """A dict-like class for representing quasi-probabilities.""" def __init__(self, data, shots=None, mitigation_overhead=None): """A dict-like class for representing quasi-probabilities. Parameters: data (dict): Input data. shots (int): Number shots taken to form quasi-distribution. mitigation_overhead (float): Overhead from performing mitigation. """ self.shots = shots self.mitigation_overhead = mitigation_overhead super().__init__(data)
[docs] def expval(self, exp_ops=""): """Compute expectation value from distribution. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float: Expectation value. Raises: M3Error: Invalid type passed to exp_ops. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, str): return exp_val(self, exp_ops=exp_ops) elif isinstance(exp_ops, dict): return exp_val(self, dict_ops=exp_ops) elif isinstance(exp_ops, list): return np.array([self.expval(item) for item in exp_ops], dtype=np.float32) else: raise M3Error("Invalid type passed to exp_ops")
[docs] def stddev(self): """Compute standard deviation estimate from distribution. Returns: float: Estimate of standard deviation upper-bound. Raises: M3Error: Missing shots or mitigation_overhead information. """ if self.shots is None: raise M3Error("Quasi-dist is missing shots information.") if self.mitigation_overhead is None: raise M3Error("Quasi-dist is missing mitigation overhead.") return math.sqrt(self.mitigation_overhead / self.shots)
[docs] def expval_and_stddev(self, exp_ops=""): """Compute expectation value and standard deviation estimate from distribution. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict): String or dict representation of diagonal qubit operators used in computing the expectation value. Returns: float: Expectation value. float: Estimate of standard deviation upper-bound. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ return self.expval(exp_ops), self.stddev()
[docs] def nearest_probability_distribution(self, return_distance=False): """Takes a quasiprobability distribution and maps it to the closest probability distribution as defined by the L2-norm. Parameters: return_distance (bool): Return the L2 distance between distributions. Returns: ProbDistribution: Nearest probability distribution. float: Euclidean (L2) distance of distributions. Notes: Method from Smolin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 070502 (2012). """ probs, dist = quasi_to_probs(self) if return_distance: return ProbDistribution(probs, self.shots, self.mitigation_overhead), dist return ProbDistribution(probs, self.shots, self.mitigation_overhead)
[docs] class QuasiCollection(list): """A list subclass that makes handling multiple quasi-distributions easier.""" def __init__(self, data): """QuasiCollection constructor. Parameters: data (list or QuasiCollection): List of QuasiDistribution instances. Raises: TypeError: Must be list of QuasiDistribution only. """ for dd in data: if not isinstance(dd, QuasiDistribution): raise TypeError("QuasiCollection requires QuasiDistribution instances.") super().__init__(data) @property def shots(self): """Number of shots taken over collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of shots values. """ return np.array([item.shots for item in self], dtype=int) @property def mitigation_overhead(self): """Mitigation overhead over entire collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of mitigation overhead values. """ return np.array([item.mitigation_overhead for item in self], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def expval(self, exp_ops=""): """Expectation value over entire collection. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): Diagonal operators over which to compute expval. Returns: ndarray: Array of expectation values. Raises: M3Error: Length of passes operators does not match container length. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, list): if len(exp_ops) != len(self): raise M3Error("exp_ops length does not match container length") out = [] for idx, item in enumerate(self): out.append(item.expval(exp_ops[idx])) if not any(isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray)) for item in out): return np.asarray(out, dtype=np.float32) return out return np.array([item.expval(exp_ops) for item in self], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def expval_and_stddev(self, exp_ops=""): """Expectation value and standard deviation over entire collection. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): Diagonal operators over which to compute expval. Returns: list: Tuples of expval and stddev pairs. Raises: M3Error: Length of passes operators does not match container length. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, list): if len(exp_ops) != len(self): raise M3Error("exp_ops length does not match container length") out = [] for idx, item in enumerate(self): out.append(item.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops[idx])) return out return [item.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops) for item in self]
[docs] def stddev(self): """Standard deviation over entire collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of standard deviations. """ return np.array([item.stddev() for item in self], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def nearest_probability_distribution(self): """Nearest probability distribution over collection Returns: ProbCollection: Collection of ProbDistributions. """ return ProbCollection( [item.nearest_probability_distribution() for item in self] )
[docs] class ProbCollection(list): """A list subclass that makes handling multiple probability-distributions easier.""" def __init__(self, data): """ProbCollection constructor. Parameters: data (list or ProbCollection): List of ProbDistribution instances. Raises: TypeError: Must be list of ProbDistribution only. """ for dd in data: if not isinstance(dd, ProbDistribution): raise TypeError("ProbCollection requires ProbDistribution instances.") super().__init__(data) @property def shots(self): """Number of shots taken over collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of shots values. """ return np.array([item.shots for item in self], dtype=int) @property def mitigation_overhead(self): """Mitigation overhead over entire collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of mitigation overhead values. """ return np.array([item.mitigation_overhead for item in self], dtype=float)
[docs] def expval(self, exp_ops=""): """Expectation value over entire collection. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): Diagonal operators over which to compute expval. Returns: ndarray: Array of expectation values. Raises: M3Error: Length of passes operators does not match container length. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, list): if len(exp_ops) != len(self): raise M3Error("exp_ops length does not match container length") out = [] for idx, item in enumerate(self): out.append(item.expval(exp_ops[idx])) if not any(isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray)) for item in out): return np.asarray(out, dtype=np.float32) return out return np.array([item.expval(exp_ops) for item in self], dtype=np.float32)
[docs] def expval_and_stddev(self, exp_ops=""): """Expectation value and standard deviation over entire collection. Parameters: exp_ops (str or dict or list): Diagonal operators over which to compute expval. Returns: list: Tuples of expval and stddev pairs. Raises: M3Error: Length of passes operators does not match container length. Notes: The dict operator format is a sparse diagonal format using bitstrings as the keys. """ if isinstance(exp_ops, list): if len(exp_ops) != len(self): raise M3Error("exp_ops length does not match container length") out = [] for idx, item in enumerate(self): out.append(item.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops[idx])) return out return [item.expval_and_stddev(exp_ops) for item in self]
[docs] def stddev(self): """Standard deviation over entire collection. Returns: ndarray: Array of standard deviations. """ return np.array([item.stddev() for item in self], dtype=np.float32)