Source code for qiskit_serverless.utils.errors

"""Errors utilities."""

from typing import Optional, Dict, Union

ErrorCodeType = Union[int, str]

def is_http_standard_error(error_code: ErrorCodeType):
    """Returns true if code is in standard http error codes range."""
    result = False
    if isinstance(error_code, int) and (600 > error_code >= 100):
        result = True
    return result

[docs]class ErrorCodes: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Qiskit Serverless error codes.""" AUTH1001: str = "AUTH1001" JSON1001: str = "JSON1001" HTTP_STD_ERROR: str = "HTTP_STD_ERROR"
DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE: str = "Something went wrong." error_mapping: Dict[ErrorCodeType, str] = { ErrorCodes.AUTH1001: "Connection error. Make sure configuration " "(host and auth details) is correct.", ErrorCodes.HTTP_STD_ERROR: "Http bad request.", ErrorCodes.JSON1001: "Error occurred during decoding server json response.", } def format_err_msg(code: ErrorCodeType, details: Optional[str] = None): """Formats error message. Args: code: error code details: extra information about error Returns: formatted string """ message = ( error_mapping[ErrorCodes.HTTP_STD_ERROR] if is_http_standard_error(code) else error_mapping.get(code, DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE) ) result = f"\n| Message: {message}" if code: result += f"\n| Code: {code}" if details: result += f"\n| Details: {details}" return result