Source code for qiskit_serverless.core.decorators

# This code is a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
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Decorators (:mod:`qiskit_serverless.core.decorators`)

.. currentmodule:: qiskit_serverless.core.decorators

Qiskit Serverless decorators

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: ../stubs/

import functools
import inspect
import os
import shutil
from types import FunctionType
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Union, List, Callable, Sequence
from uuid import uuid4

import cloudpickle
import ray
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.trace.propagation.tracecontext import TraceContextTextMapPropagator
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from ray.runtime_env import RuntimeEnv

from qiskit_serverless.core.constants import (
from qiskit_serverless.core.tracing import get_tracer, _trace_env_vars
from qiskit_serverless.utils import JsonSerializable

remote = ray.remote

[docs]def put(value: Any, **kwargs): """Puts object into shared distributed storage Args: value: object to put to object store **kwargs: other arguments Returns: """ return ray.put(value=value, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_refs_by_status(object_refs: List["ray.ObjectRef"], **kwargs): """Get references by status. Args: object_refs: object references **kwargs: other arguments Returns: A list of refs that are ready and a list of the remaining references. """ return ray.wait(ray_waitables=object_refs, **kwargs)
[docs]def get( object_refs: Union[ray.ObjectRef, Sequence[ray.ObjectRef]], *, timeout: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Any: """Get results from distributed tasks. Args: object_refs: Object ref of the object to get or a list of object refs to get. timeout (Optional[float]): The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait before returning. Returns: A object or a list of objects. """ return ray.get(object_refs=object_refs, timeout=timeout)
[docs]@dataclass class Target(JsonSerializable): """Qiskit Serverless target. Example: >>> @distribute_task(target=Target(cpu=1)) >>> def awesome_function(): >>> return 42 """ cpu: int = 1 gpu: int = 0 qpu: int = 0 mem: int = 1 resources: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None env_vars: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None pip: Optional[List[str]] = None @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dictionary: dict): return Target(**dictionary)
[docs]@dataclass class CircuitMeta: """Circuit metainformation.""" num_qubits: int depth: int def to_seq(self) -> Sequence[int]: """Converts meta to seq.""" return [self.num_qubits, self.depth]
Numeric = Union[float, int]
[docs]def fetch_execution_meta(*args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Sequence[Numeric]]: """Extracts meta information from function arguments. Meta information consist of metrics that describe circuits. Metrics described in `CircuitMeta` class. Args: *args: arguments **kwargs: named arguments Returns: return meta information dictionary """ def fetch_meta(circuit: QuantumCircuit) -> CircuitMeta: """Returns meta information from circuit.""" return CircuitMeta(num_qubits=circuit.num_qubits, depth=circuit.depth()) meta: Dict[str, Sequence[Numeric]] = {} for idx, argument in enumerate(args): if isinstance(argument, QuantumCircuit): meta[f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.args.arg_{idx}"] = fetch_meta( argument ).to_seq() elif isinstance(argument, list): for sub_idx, sub_argument in enumerate(argument): if isinstance(sub_argument, QuantumCircuit): meta[ f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.args.arg_{idx}.{sub_idx}" ] = fetch_meta(sub_argument).to_seq() for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, QuantumCircuit): meta[f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.kwargs.{key}"] = fetch_meta(value).to_seq() elif isinstance(value, list): for sub_idx, sub_argument in enumerate(value): if isinstance(sub_argument, QuantumCircuit): meta[f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.kwargs.{key}.{sub_idx}"] = fetch_meta( sub_argument ).to_seq() return meta
def _tracible_function( name: str, target: Target, trace_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable: """Wrap a function in an OTel span. Args: name: name of function target: target for function trace_id: trace id Returns: traced function """ def decorator(func: Callable): @functools.wraps(func) def wraps(*args, **kwargs): if bool(int(os.environ.get(OT_RAY_TRACER, "0"))): tracer = trace.get_tracer(func.__module__) else: tracer = get_tracer( func.__module__, agent_host=os.environ.get(OT_JAEGER_HOST_KEY, None), agent_port=int(os.environ.get(OT_JAEGER_PORT_KEY, 6831)), ) ctx = TraceContextTextMapPropagator().extract( { TraceContextTextMapPropagator._TRACEPARENT_HEADER_NAME: trace_id # pylint:disable=protected-access } ) circuits_meta = fetch_execution_meta(*args, **kwargs) with tracer.start_as_current_span(name, context=ctx) as rollspan: # TODO: add serverless package version # pylint: disable=fixme rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.meta.function_name", name ) rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.meta.stack_layer", "qiskit_serverless" ) rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.resources.cpu", target.cpu ) rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.resources.memory", target.mem ) rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.resources.gpu", target.gpu ) resources = target.resources or {} for resource_name, resource_value in resources.items(): rollspan.set_attribute( f"{OT_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX}.resources.{resource_name}", resource_value, ) if target.pip is not None: rollspan.set_attribute("requirements", target.pip) for meta_key, meta_value in circuits_meta.items(): rollspan.set_attribute(meta_key, meta_value) return func(*args, **kwargs) return wraps return decorator
[docs]def distribute_task( target: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Target]] = None, ): """Wraps local function as remote executable function. New function will return reference object when called. Example: >>> import qiskit_serverless as qs >>> >>> @distribute_task() >>> def awesome_function(seed: int): >>> return 42 >>> >>> reference = awesome_function() >>> function_result = qs.get(reference) Args: target: target object or dictionary for requirements for node resources Returns: object reference """ if target is None: target = Target(cpu=1) if isinstance(target, Target): remote_target = target else: remote_target = Target.from_dict(target) def decorator(function): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # tracing traced_env_vars = _trace_env_vars( remote_target.env_vars or {}, location="on decoration" ) traced_function = _tracible_function( name=function.__name__, target=remote_target, trace_id=traced_env_vars.get(OT_TRACEPARENT_ID_KEY), )(function) # runtime env runtime_env = RuntimeEnv(pip=remote_target.pip, env_vars=traced_env_vars) # remote function result = ray.remote( num_cpus=remote_target.cpu, num_gpus=remote_target.gpu, resources=remote_target.resources, memory=remote_target.mem, runtime_env=runtime_env, )(traced_function).remote(*args, **kwargs) return result return wrapper return decorator
ENTRYPOINT_CONTENT = """ import cloudpickle from qiskit_serverless import get_arguments, save_result arguments = get_arguments() with open("./{file_name}", "rb") as file: function = cloudpickle.load(file) result = function(**arguments) if result is not None: save_result(result) """
[docs]def distribute_qiskit_function( provider: Optional[Any] = None, dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, ): """[Experimental] QiskitFunction decorator to turn function into remotely executable program. Example: >>> @distribute_qiskit_function(provider=ServerlessProvider(...), dependencies=[...]) >>> def my_program(): >>> print("Hola!") >>> >>> job = my_program() Args: provider: provider to use for program execution dependencies: dependencies for program working_dir: working directory, which will be shipped for remote execution Returns: remotely executable program """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,cyclic-import from qiskit_serverless import QiskitServerlessException from qiskit_serverless.core.function import QiskitFunction from qiskit_serverless import ServerlessClient # create provider if provider is None: # try to create from env vars try: provider = ServerlessClient() except QiskitServerlessException as qs_error: raise QiskitServerlessException( "Set provider in arguments for `distribute_program` " "decorator or define env variables." ) from qs_error if provider is None: raise QiskitServerlessException( "Provider was not defined. " "Please, pass provider to @distribute_program decorator or setup env variables." ) def decorator(function): """Decorator.""" if not inspect.isfunction(function): raise QiskitServerlessException( "Only functions are supported by this decorator." ) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Function wrapper.""" suffix = str(uuid4())[:8] if len(args) > 0: raise QiskitServerlessException( f"Only named arguments supported at this moment. " f"Please specify name of argument of function {function.__name__}" ) # create folder working_directory = ( working_dir or f"./qs_artifacts/{function.__name__}_{suffix}" ) os.makedirs(working_directory, exist_ok=True) # dump pickle pickle_file_name = f"pickle_{suffix}.pkl" pickle_file_path = f"{working_directory}/{pickle_file_name}" with open(pickle_file_path, "wb") as file: cloudpickle.dump(function, file) # create entrypoint entrypoint_file_name = f"entrypoint_{suffix}.py" entrypoint_file_path = f"{working_directory}/{entrypoint_file_name}" with open(entrypoint_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(ENTRYPOINT_CONTENT.format(file_name=pickle_file_name)) # create program wrapped_program = QiskitFunction( title=function.__name__, entrypoint=entrypoint_file_name, working_dir=working_directory, dependencies=dependencies, description="QiskitFunction execution using @distribute_program decorator.", ) provider.upload(wrapped_program) # run program job =, arguments=kwargs) # remove artifact files if os.path.exists(pickle_file_path): os.remove(pickle_file_path) if os.path.exists(entrypoint_file_path): os.remove(entrypoint_file_path) if working_dir is None and os.path.exists(working_directory): shutil.rmtree(working_directory) return job return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def distribute_program( provider: Optional[Any] = None, dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None, working_dir: Optional[str] = None, ): """Decorator for distributed program.""" warnings.warn( "`distribute_program` has been deprecated " "and will be removed in future releases. " "Please, use `distribute_qiskit_function` instead." ) return distribute_qiskit_function(provider, dependencies, working_dir)
def trace_decorator_factory(traced_feature: str): """Factory for generate decorators for classes or features.""" def generated_decorator(traced_function: Union[FunctionType, str]): """ The decorator wrapper to generate optional arguments if traced_function is string it will be used in the span, the function.__name__ attribute will be used otherwise """ def decorator_trace(func: FunctionType): """The decorator that python call""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """The wrapper""" tracer = trace.get_tracer("client.tracer") function_name = ( traced_function if isinstance(traced_function, str) else func.__name__ ) with tracer.start_as_current_span(f"{traced_feature}.${function_name}"): result = func(*args, **kwargs) return result return wrapper if callable(traced_function): return decorator_trace(traced_function) return decorator_trace return generated_decorator