Source code for qiskit_neko.aer_plugin

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Qiskit Aer default backend plugin."""

import qiskit_aer as aer
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import fake_provider

from qiskit_neko import backend_plugin

[docs]class AerBackendPlugin(backend_plugin.BackendPlugin): """A backend plugin for using qiskit-aer as the backend.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.mock_provider = fake_provider.FakeProvider() self.mock_provider_backend_names = set() for backend in self.mock_provider.backends(): if backend.version == 1: self.mock_provider_backend_names.add( elif backend.version == 2: self.mock_provider_backend_names.add(
[docs] def get_backend(self, backend_selection=None): """Return the Backend object to run tests on. :param str backend_selection: An optional selection string to specify the backend object returned from this method. This can be used in two different ways. Either it can be used to specify a fake backend name from ``qiskit.test.mock`` in ``qiskit-terra`` such as ``fake_quito`` which will return that fake backend object or alternatively if the string starts with ``method=`` an ideal :class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.AerSimulator` object with that method will be set. If this is not specified a :class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.AerSimulator` will be returned with the defailt settings. :raises ValueError: If an invalid backend selection string is passed in """ if backend_selection is None: return aer.AerSimulator() if backend_selection.startswith("method="): method = backend_selection.split("=")[1] return aer.AerSimulator(method=method) if backend_selection in self.mock_provider_backend_names: return self.mock_provider.get_backend(backend_selection) raise ValueError(f"Invalid selection string {backend_selection}.")