############################# Qiskit addon: circuit cutting ############################# .. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/stars/Qiskit/qiskit-addon-cutting?style=social :alt: GitHub repository star counter badge :target: https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-addon-cutting `Qiskit addons `_ are a collection of modular tools for building utility-scale workloads powered by Qiskit. This package implements circuit cutting. In this technique, a handful of gates and/or wires are cut, resulting in smaller circuits that are better suited for execution on hardware. The result of the original circuit can then be reconstructed; however, the trade-off is that the overall number of shots must be increased by a factor exponential in the number of cuts. For a more detailed discussion on circuit cutting, check out our `technical guide <./circuit_cutting/explanation/index.rst#overview-of-circuit-cutting>`__. We follow `semantic versioning `__ and are guided by the principles in `Qiskit's deprecation policy `__. We may occasionally make breaking changes in order to improve the user experience. When possible, we will keep old interfaces and mark them as deprecated, as long as they can co-exist with the new ones. Each substantial improvement, breaking change, or deprecation will be documented in the :ref:`release notes`. .. note:: This package was known as the Circuit Knitting Toolbox prior to September 2024. Citing this project ------------------- If you use this package in your research, please cite it according to ``CITATON.bib`` file included in this repository: .. literalinclude:: ../CITATION.bib :language: bibtex If you are using the entanglement forging tool in Circuit Knitting Toolbox version 0.5 or earlier, please use `an older version of the citation file `__ which includes the authors of that tool. If you are using the CutQC tool in Circuit Knitting Toolbox version 0.7 or earlier, please use `an older version of the citation file `__ which includes the authors of that tool. Developer guide --------------- The source code to this package is available `on GitHub `__. The developer guide is located at `CONTRIBUTING.md `__ in the root of this project's repository. Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Documentation Home Installation Instructions Tutorials Explanatory Material How-To Guides API References GitHub Release Notes .. Hiding - Indices and tables :ref:`genindex` :ref:`modindex` :ref:`search`