Source code for qiskit_addon_aqc_tensor.simulation.aer.simulation

# This code is a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
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"""Aer MPS simulator configuration and functions that require a simulator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from importlib.metadata import PackageNotFoundError
from importlib.metadata import version as metadata_version
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from plum import ModuleType, clear_all_cache, dispatch
from qiskit.circuit import Gate, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.result import Result
from wrapt import register_post_import_hook

from ..abstract import TensorNetworkSimulationSettings
from .state import QiskitAerMPS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator
    AerSimulator = ModuleType("qiskit_aer", "AerSimulator")

def _on_aer_import(_module) -> None:
    """Clear plum cache upon loading of :mod:`qiskit_aer`.""""Clearing plum cache after loading of qiskit_aer")

register_post_import_hook(_on_aer_import, "qiskit_aer")

[docs] def is_aer_available() -> bool: """Return ``True`` is qiskit-aer is installed, ``False`` otherwise.""" try: metadata_version("qiskit-aer") except PackageNotFoundError: return False return True
[docs] @dataclass class QiskitAerSimulationSettings(TensorNetworkSimulationSettings): """Qiskit Aer simulator settings. Example usage: .. code-block:: python from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator from qiskit_addon_aqc_tensor.simulation.aer import QiskitAerSimulationSettings simulator = AerSimulator( method="matrix_product_state", matrix_product_state_max_bond_dimension=200, matrix_product_state_truncation_threshold=1e-6, mps_log_data=True, ) def my_simulation_callback(circuit, result): print(f"Simulated circuit of depth {circuit.depth()}") metadata = result.results[0].metadata print(metadata["MPS_log_data"]) settings = QiskitAerSimulationSettings(simulator, my_simulation_callback) See additional options for when using the ``matrix_product_state`` simulation method in the documentation for :class:`~qiskit_aer.AerSimulator`. """ #: Aer simulator, must be configured with method='matrix_product_state'. Stores configuration like ``max_bond_dimension``, ``truncation_threshold``, etc. simulator: AerSimulator #: This callable, if provided, is called with ``(circuit, result)`` as arguments immediately after each MPS simulation. callback: Callable[[QuantumCircuit, Result], None] | None = None
def _aer_mps_from_circuit( qc: QuantumCircuit, settings: QiskitAerSimulationSettings | AerSimulator, /, *, out_state: np.ndarray | None = None, ) -> QiskitAerMPS: r"""Compute the result of action ``output = circuit @ |0>`` in MPS format. Args: qc: quantum circuit acting on state :math:`|0\rangle`. settings: instance of :class:`.QiskitAerSimulationSettings` or :class:`~qiskit_aer.AerSimulator`. Either way, the simulator must be configured with ``method="matrix_product_state"``. out_state: output array for storing state as a normal vector; *note*, state generation can be a slow and even intractable operation for the large number of qubits; useful for testing only. Returns: MPS state representation. """ from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator if not isinstance(settings, QiskitAerSimulationSettings): # Presumably we've been passed an AerSimulator, instead. settings = QiskitAerSimulationSettings(settings) simulator = settings.simulator # Validate inputs if not isinstance(simulator, AerSimulator): raise TypeError("simulator must be of type AerSimulator.") if simulator.options.method != "matrix_product_state": raise ValueError("AerSimulator must be configured to use 'matrix_product_state' method.") if out_state is not None: if not isinstance(out_state, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("If provided, `out_state` must be of type numpy.ndarray.") if out_state.size != 2**qc.num_qubits: raise ValueError( f"If provided, `out_state` must have size 2**num_qubits ({2**qc.num_qubits}), " f"not {out_state.size}." ) # Copy the input circuit before appending save operation(s) qc = qc.copy() if out_state is not None: qc.save_statevector(label="my_sv") qc.save_matrix_product_state(label="my_mps") # Run the simulation result =, shots=1).result() data = if settings.callback is not None: settings.callback(qc, result) if out_state is not None: np.copyto(out_state, np.asarray(data["my_sv"])) return QiskitAerMPS(*data["my_mps"]) @dispatch def tensornetwork_from_circuit( qc: QuantumCircuit, settings: Union[QiskitAerSimulationSettings, AerSimulator], /, *, out_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> QiskitAerMPS: return _aer_mps_from_circuit(qc, settings, out_state=out_state) @dispatch def _apply_one_qubit_gate_inplace(psi: QiskitAerMPS, gate: Gate, qubit: int, /) -> None: from qiskit_aer import AerSimulator num_qubits = len(psi.gamma) qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits) qc.set_matrix_product_state(psi._as_tuple()) qc.append(gate, (qubit,)) # Parameters such as the bond dimension don't matter for single-qubit # operations because there is no need to perform MPS compression. Hence, # we use a simulator with the default settings here. FIXME: in the future, # do this rotation using numpy, without even calling into Aer. new_psi = _aer_mps_from_circuit(qc, AerSimulator(method="matrix_product_state")) # Replace existing instance psi.gamma = new_psi.gamma psi.lamb = new_psi.lamb @dispatch def _apply_two_qubit_gate_inplace( psi: QiskitAerMPS, gate: Gate, q0: int, q1: int, settings: Union[QiskitAerSimulationSettings, AerSimulator], /, *, out_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> None: num_qubits = len(psi.gamma) qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits) qc.set_matrix_product_state(psi._as_tuple()) qc.append(gate, (q0, q1)) new_psi = _aer_mps_from_circuit(qc, settings, out_state=out_state) # Replace existing instance psi.gamma = new_psi.gamma psi.lamb = new_psi.lamb @dispatch def apply_circuit_to_state( qc: QuantumCircuit, psi: QiskitAerMPS, settings: Union[QiskitAerSimulationSettings, AerSimulator], /, *, out_state: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> QiskitAerMPS: # Note, the order of operations is crucial. We compose the circuit after (!) # invocation of set_matrix_product_state(). qc2 = QuantumCircuit(qc.num_qubits) qc2.set_matrix_product_state(psi._as_tuple()) qc2.compose(qc, inplace=True) return _aer_mps_from_circuit(qc2, settings, out_state=out_state)