Source code for qiskit_addon_aqc_tensor.ansatz_generation

# This code is a Qiskit project.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# Reminder: update the RST file in docs/apidocs when adding new interfaces.
"""Utility for generating a general, parametrized, ansatz circuit which matches the two-qubit connectivity of an input circuit."""

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import (
from qiskit.circuit.library import UnitaryGate
from qiskit.quantum_info import Operator
from qiskit.synthesis import OneQubitEulerDecomposer, TwoQubitWeylDecomposition

[docs] class AnsatzBlock(Gate): """Ansatz block. This is the base class of all blocks returned by :func:`generate_ansatz_from_circuit`. """ def __init__(self, params: Sequence[Parameter]): """Initialize the ansatz block. Args: params: Sequence of parameters. """ if len(params) != self.ansatz_num_params: raise ValueError("Wrong number of parameters") super().__init__( self.ansatz_name.lower(), self.ansatz_num_qubits, params, label=self.ansatz_name, )
[docs] class OneQubitAnsatzBlock(AnsatzBlock): """One-qubit ansatz block.""" ansatz_num_qubits = 1
[docs] class TwoQubitAnsatzBlock(AnsatzBlock): """Two-qubit ansatz block.""" ansatz_num_qubits = 2
[docs] class ZXZ(OneQubitAnsatzBlock): """One-qubit ansatz block based on the ZXZ decomposition.""" ansatz_name = "ZXZ" ansatz_num_params = 3 def _define(self) -> None: qc = QuantumCircuit(self.ansatz_num_qubits, name=self.ansatz_name) qc.rz(self.params[0], 0) qc.rx(self.params[1], 0) qc.rz(self.params[2], 0) self.definition = qc
[docs] class KAK(TwoQubitAnsatzBlock): """Two-qubit ansatz block based on the KAK decomposition.""" ansatz_name = "KAK" ansatz_num_params = 3 def _define(self) -> None: qc = QuantumCircuit(self.ansatz_num_qubits, name=self.ansatz_name) # This implements the two-qubit portion of Fig. 3 in # qc.sdg(1), 0) qc.rz(np.pi / 2 - 2 * self.params[2], 0) qc.ry(2 * self.params[0] - np.pi / 2, 1), 1) qc.ry(np.pi / 2 - 2 * self.params[1], 1), 0) qc.s(0) self.definition = qc
def _allocate_parameters(params: ParameterVector, n: int) -> tuple[list[Parameter], range]: m = len(params) params.resize(m + n) return params[m:], range(m, m + n) def _nonidle_qubits(qc: QuantumCircuit, /): return { qubit for inst in for qubit in inst.qubits if not getattr(inst.operation, "_directive", False) }
[docs] def generate_ansatz_from_circuit( qc: QuantumCircuit, /, *, qubits_initially_zero: bool = False, parameter_name: str = "theta", ) -> tuple[QuantumCircuit, list[float]]: r"""Generate an ansatz from the two-qubit connectivity structure of a circuit. See the `explanatatory material <>`__ for motivation. Args: qc: A circuit, which is assumed to be unitary. Barriers are ignored. qubits_initially_zero: If ``True``, the first Z rotation on each qubit is fixed to zero because such a rotation has no effect on the state :math:`|0\rangle`. parameter_name: Name for the :class:`~qiskit.circuit.ParameterVector` representing the free parameters in the returned ansatz circuit. Returns: ``(ansatz, parameter_values)`` such that ``ansatz.assign_parameters(parameter_values)`` is equivalent to ``qc`` up to a global phase. Example: ======== Consider the following circuit as an example: .. plot:: :alt: Circuit diagram output by the previous code. :include-source: :context: reset from qiskit import QuantumCircuit qc = QuantumCircuit(6) qc.rx(0.4, 0) qc.ryy(0.2, 2, 3) qc.h(2) qc.rz(0.1, 2) qc.rxx(0.3, 0, 1) qc.rzz(0.3, 0, 1), 1) qc.s(1) qc.h(4) qc.draw("mpl") If the above circuit is passed to :func:`.generate_ansatz_from_circuit`, it will return an ansatz with parametrized two-qubit KAK rotations in the same locations as the input: .. plot:: :alt: Circuit diagram output by the previous code. :include-source: :context: close-figs from qiskit_addon_aqc_tensor import generate_ansatz_from_circuit ansatz, initial_params = generate_ansatz_from_circuit( qc, qubits_initially_zero=True, parameter_name="x" ) ansatz.draw("mpl") Note that in the generated ansatz, all consecutive single-qubit gates are collapsed into the same ZXZ block, and all consecutive two-qubit gates are collapsed into a single KAK block, up to single-qubit rotations. Further, the :func:`.generate_ansatz_from_circuit` function provides parameters which, when bound to the ansatz, will result in a circuit equivalent to the original one, up to a global phase: .. plot:: :alt: Circuit diagram output by the previous code. :include-source: :context: close-figs ansatz.assign_parameters(initial_params).draw("mpl") """ # FIXME: handle classical bits, measurements, resets, and barriers. maybe # conditions too? num_qubits = qc.num_qubits ansatz = QuantumCircuit(*qc.qregs, *qc.cregs) param_vec = ParameterVector(parameter_name) initial_params: list[float] = [] decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZXZ") partner = [None] * num_qubits singles: list[list[Gate] | None] = [None] * num_qubits couples: dict[tuple[int, int], QuantumCircuit] = {} free_params: dict[int | tuple[int, int], range] = {} def set_zxz_params_from_mat(q: int, mat) -> None: # Following the variable convention at # theta, phi, lamb = decomposer.angles(mat) fp = free_params[q] values: tuple[float, ...] = lamb, theta, phi if len(fp) == 2: # Must be initial gate, where the Z rotation has been dropped. # This makes sense if we assume the input state to this ZXZ block # is |0>. values = values[1:] for j, r in zip(fp, values): initial_params[j] = r def perform_separation(q0: int, q1: int): if q0 > q1: q0, q1 = q1, q0 partner[q0] = None partner[q1] = None couple_qc = couples[q0, q1] mat = Operator(couple_qc).data d = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(mat) singles[q0] = [UnitaryGate(d.K1r)] singles[q1] = [UnitaryGate(d.K1l)] fp01 = free_params[q0, q1] initial_params[fp01[0]] = d.a initial_params[fp01[1]] = d.b initial_params[fp01[2]] = d.c set_zxz_params_from_mat(q0, d.K2r) set_zxz_params_from_mat(q1, d.K2l) del couples[q0, q1] free_params[q0] = free_params[q0, q1][3:6] free_params[q1] = free_params[q0, q1][6:9] del free_params[q0, q1] active_qubits = sorted([qc.find_bit(q)[0] for q in _nonidle_qubits(qc)]) for q in active_qubits: params, free_params[q] = _allocate_parameters(param_vec, 2 if qubits_initially_zero else 3) initial_params.extend([np.nan] * len(params)) if qubits_initially_zero: params.insert(0, 0.0) ansatz.append(ZXZ(params), (q,)) singles[q] = [] for inst in # FIXME: make sure it's unitary in the code paths where we make that assumption if == "barrier": pass elif len(inst.qubits) == 1: if inst.clbits != (): raise ValueError("Circuits which operate on classical bits are not yet supported.") q = qc.find_bit(inst.qubits[0])[0] p = partner[q] if p is not None: # It's partnered qmin = min(q, p) qmax = max(q, p) couples[qmin, qmax].append(inst.operation, ((0 if q == qmin else 1),)) else: # It's single singles[q].append(inst.operation) elif len(inst.qubits) == 2: q0, q1 = [qc.find_bit(q)[0] for q in inst.qubits] swapped = q0 > q1 if swapped: q0, q1 = q1, q0 if partner[q0] == q1: # They are already in a committed relationship with each other couple_qc = couples[q0, q1] else: # We must form a partnership. # Start by ensuring everyone is single p0 = partner[q0] if p0 is not None: perform_separation(q0, p0) p1 = partner[q1] if p1 is not None: perform_separation(q1, p1) # Form the union couple_qc = QuantumCircuit(2) couples[q0, q1] = couple_qc for op in singles[q0]: couple_qc.append(op, (0,)) for op in singles[q1]: couple_qc.append(op, (1,)) singles[q0] = None singles[q1] = None partner[q0] = q1 partner[q1] = q0 # Update the ansatz params, free_params[q0, q1] = _allocate_parameters(param_vec, 9) initial_params.extend([np.nan] * 9) ansatz.append(KAK(params[0:3]), (q0, q1)) ansatz.append(ZXZ(params[3:6]), (q0,)) ansatz.append(ZXZ(params[6:9]), (q1,)) couple_qc.append(inst.operation, (1, 0) if swapped else (0, 1)) else: raise ValueError( "Only one- and two-qubit operations are allowed in the original circuit." ) while couples: (q0, q1), couple_qc = next( iter(couples.items()) ) # Must do this because we can't modify a dict while iterating it perform_separation(q0, q1) for q, ops in enumerate(singles): if ops is None: # Must be an idle qubit continue single_qc = QuantumCircuit(1) for op in ops: single_qc.append(op, (0,)) mat = Operator(single_qc).data set_zxz_params_from_mat(q, mat) del free_params[q] assert not free_params return ansatz, initial_params
# Reminder: update the RST file in docs/apidocs when adding new interfaces. __all__ = [ "generate_ansatz_from_circuit", "AnsatzBlock", "OneQubitAnsatzBlock", "TwoQubitAnsatzBlock", "ZXZ", "KAK", ]