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Introduction to Qiskit Functions


This documentation is relevant to the new IBM Quantum® Platform. If you need the previous version, return to the IBM Quantum Platform Classic documentation.

Package versions

The code on this page was developed using the following requirements. We recommend using these versions or newer.

pyscf~=2.8.0; sys.platform != 'win32'

Qiskit Functions are an experimental feature available only to IBM Quantum® Premium Plan users. They are in preview release status and subject to change.

Qiskit Functions simplify and accelerate utility-scale algorithm discovery and application development, by abstracting away parts of the quantum software development workflow. In this way, Qiskit Functions free up time normally spent hand-writing code and fine-tuning experiments.

Overview of Qiskit Functions Functions come in two forms:

TypeWhat does it do?Example inputs and outputsWho is it for?
Circuit functionSimplified interface for running circuits. Abstracts transpilation, error suppression, error mitigationInput: Abstract PUBs
Output: Mitigated expectation values
Researchers using Qiskit to discover new algorithms and applications, without needing to focus on optimizing for hardware or handling error. Circuit functions can be used to build custom application functions.
Application functionCovers higher-level tasks, like exploring algorithms and domain-specific use cases. Abstracts quantum workflow to solve tasks, with classical inputs and outputsInput: Molecules, graphs
Output: Energy, cost
Researchers in non-quantum domains, integrating quantum into existing large-scale classical workflows, without needing to map classical data to quantum circuits.

Functions are provided by IBM® and third-party partners. Each is performant for specific workload characteristics and have unique performance-tuning options. Premium Plan users can get started with IBM Qiskit Functions for free, or procure a license from one of the partners who have contributed a function to the catalog.

Get started with Qiskit Functions

Install Qiskit Functions Catalog client

  1. To start using Qiskit Functions, install the IBM Qiskit Functions Catalog client:

    pip install qiskit-ibm-catalog
  1. Retrieve your API token from the IBM Quantum Platform dashboard, and activate your Python virtual environment. See the installation instructions if you do not already have a virtual environment set up.

If you are working in a trusted Python environment (such as on a personal laptop or workstation), use the save_account() method to save your credentials locally. (Skip to the next step if you are not using a trusted environment, such as a shared or public computer, to authenticate to IBM Quantum Platform.)

To use save_account(), run python in your shell, then enter the following:

from qiskit_ibm_catalog import QiskitFunctionsCatalog

Type exit(). From now on, whenever you need to authenticate to the service, you can load your credentials with QiskitFunctionsCatalog().

# Load saved credentials
from qiskit_ibm_catalog import QiskitFunctionsCatalog
catalog = QiskitFunctionsCatalog()
  1. Avoid executing code on an untrusted machine or an external cloud Python environment to minimize security risks. If you must use an untrusted environment (on, for example, a public computer), change your API key after each use by deleting it on the IBM Cloud API keys page to reduce risk. Learn more in the Managing user API keys topic. To initialize the service in this situation, expand the following section to view code you can use:

    Initialize the service in an untrusted environment
    from qiskit_ibm_catalog import QiskitFunctionsCatalog
    # After using the following code, delete your API key on the IBM Cloud API keys page
    catalog = QiskitFunctionsCatalog(token="<MY_API_KEY>")

Protect your API key! Never include your key in source code, Python script, or notebook file. When sharing code with others, ensure that your API key is not embedded directly within the Python script. Instead, share the script without the key and provide instructions for securely setting it up.

If you accidentally share your key with someone or include it in version control like Git, immediately revoke your key by deleting it on the IBM Cloud API keys page to reduce risk. Learn more in the Managing user API keys topic.

  1. Once you have authenticated, you can list the functions from the Qiskit Functions Catalog that you have access to:



Run enabled functions

Once a catalog object has been instantiated, you can select a function using catalog.load(provider/function-name):

ibm_cf = catalog.load("ibm/circuit-function")

Each Qiskit Function has custom inputs, options, and outputs. Check the specific documentation pages for the function you want to run for more information. By default, all users can only run one function job at a time:

job =
    pubs=[(circuit, observable)],
    backend_name=backend_name,  # E.g. "ibm_kyiv"



Check job status


Currently, the IBM Quantum workloads table only reflects Qiskit Runtime workloads. Use job.status() to see your Qiskit Function workload's current status.

With your Qiskit Function job_id, you can check the status of running jobs. This includes the following statuses:

  • QUEUED: The remote program is in the Qiskit Function queue. The queue priority is based on how much you've used Qiskit Functions.
  • INITIALIZING: The remote program is starting; this includes setting up the remote environment and installing dependencies.
  • RUNNING: The program is running.
  • DONE: The program is complete, and you can retrieve result data with job.results().
  • ERROR: The program stopped running because of a problem. Use job.result() to get the error message.
  • CANCELED: The program was canceled; either by a user, the service, or the server.



Retrieve results

Once a program is DONE, you can use job.results() to fetch the result. This output format varies with each function, so be sure to follow the specific documentation:

result = job.result()


PrimitiveResult([PubResult(data=DataBin(evs=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>), stds=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>), ensemble_standard_error=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>)), metadata={'shots': 4096, 'target_precision': 0.015625, 'circuit_metadata': {}, 'resilience': {}, 'num_randomizations': 32})], metadata={'dynamical_decoupling': {'enable': True, 'sequence_type': 'XX', 'extra_slack_distribution': 'middle', 'scheduling_method': 'alap'}, 'twirling': {'enable_gates': False, 'enable_measure': True, 'num_randomizations': 'auto', 'shots_per_randomization': 'auto', 'interleave_randomizations': True, 'strategy': 'active-accum'}, 'resilience': {'measure_mitigation': True, 'zne_mitigation': False, 'pec_mitigation': False}, 'version': 2})

At any time, you can also cancel a job:



'Job has been stopped.'

List previously run jobs run with Qiskit Functions

You can use jobs() to list all jobs submitted to Qiskit Functions:

old_jobs =


[<Job | bd136829-041d-4fc5-b3b3-594b51dbac35>,
 <Job | 7996260a-09bb-4844-a7ac-87d949f4c81d>,
 <Job | febe221b-197f-482c-a7af-6e8be22713e1>,
 <Job | d76b6abf-3a16-4dd6-a9ac-a7ffa780d2f7>,
 <Job | 0f279d61-598d-44e3-8416-fee964c3aebb>,
 <Job | 29fe757a-6740-4c4d-b636-587e3cf805bb>,
 <Job | 4ee6ad70-0727-43e0-b843-982b031a1b2e>,
 <Job | 91d3ee72-cfb9-4188-b9f6-702d8cc73b2e>,
 <Job | 24e6f587-b56a-4401-8cfc-97099cbd2b12>,
 <Job | c6e4f12f-5b00-4abe-b9f3-6af3d9b8e1bf>]

Fetch error messages

If a program status is ERROR, use job.result() to fetch the error message to help debug as follows:



PrimitiveResult([PubResult(data=DataBin(evs=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>), stds=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>), ensemble_standard_error=np.ndarray(<shape=(), dtype=float64>)), metadata={'shots': 4096, 'target_precision': 0.015625, 'circuit_metadata': {}, 'resilience': {}, 'num_randomizations': 32})], metadata={'dynamical_decoupling': {'enable': True, 'sequence_type': 'XX', 'extra_slack_distribution': 'middle', 'scheduling_method': 'alap'}, 'twirling': {'enable_gates': False, 'enable_measure': True, 'num_randomizations': 'auto', 'shots_per_randomization': 'auto', 'interleave_randomizations': True, 'strategy': 'active-accum'}, 'resilience': {'measure_mitigation': True, 'zne_mitigation': False, 'pec_mitigation': False}, 'version': 2})

Next steps
