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Workload usage


This documentation is relevant to the new IBM Quantum® Platform. If you need the previous version, return to the IBM Quantum Platform Classic documentation.

Usage is a measurement of the amount of time the QPU is locked for your workload, and it is calculated differently, depending on which execution mode you're using.

  • Session usage is the time from when the first job starts until the session goes inactive, is closed, or when its last job completes, whichever happens last. It includes both classical and quantum time (time spent by the QPU complex to process your job).
  • Batch usage is the sum of quantum time of all jobs in the batch.
  • Single job usage is the quantum time the job uses in processing.

The usage reported on the dashboard or by using the API is the time a QPU is locked for your workload. Failed or canceled jobs count toward your usage in certain circumstances - see the Failed and canceled jobs section for details.

For Standard Plan users, usage determines how much the workload costs. See Manage cost for details.

Usage for failed and canceled jobs

When a job is failed or canceled, the reported usage is as follows:

  • Job or batch mode: The reported usage is the time the QPU was locked for executing your workload until the time it failed or was canceled. Therefore, if the failure or cancellation occurred before the lock, the reported usage is zero. Otherwise, the workload's reported usage is the amount of usage before the workload failed or was canceled. Thus, some failed jobs do not appear in your reported usage and others do.

  • Session mode: The reported usage is the wall-clock time from when the first job started executing in the session until the session terminates, regardless of the number of jobs that fail or are canceled.

Determine a workload's actual usage

After a workload has completed, there are several ways to view its actual usage:

  • On the IBM Quantum Platform Workloads table in the Usage column. From the Home page, click View all on the Recent workloads table. The Usage column shows actual usage for completed workloads.
  • Run batch.usage() or session.usage() in qiskit-ibm-runtime 0.30 or later. If using an older version of qiskit-ibm-runtime (>= 0.23 and < 0.30), the usage can be still be found in session.details()["usage_time"] and batch.details()["usage_time"].
  • Call the GET usage REST API directly to see the total usage across all workloads for your account (IBM Quantum Platform channel only).
  • Use GET /sessions/{id} to see usage for a specific batch or session.
  • Use GET /jobs/{id} to see usage for a single job.

Estimate workload usage

After submitting a job to the IBM Quantum channel, you can see an estimation for how much quantum time the job will take to run by using job.usage_estimation. Alternatively, you can view this information on the IBM Quantum Platform user interface.

Quantum time is the duration, in seconds, a QPU is committed to fulfilling a user request.

  • This only applies to jobs that use primitives.
  • This is not yet available on the Qiskit Runtime on IBM Cloud® channel.


from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit_ibm_runtime import QiskitRuntimeService, SamplerV2 as Sampler
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import generate_preset_pass_manager
service = QiskitRuntimeService()
# Create a new circuit with two qubits (first argument) and two classical
# bits (second argument)
qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2)
# Add a Hadamard gate to qubit 0
# Perform a controlled-X gate on qubit 1, controlled by qubit 0, 1)
# Measure qubit 0 to cbit 0, and qubit 1 to cbit 1
qc.measure(0, 0)
qc.measure(1, 1)
# Run on the least-busy device you have access to
backend = service.least_busy(simulator=False,operational=True)
# Generate ISA circuits
pm = generate_preset_pass_manager(backend=backend, optimization_level=1)
isa_circuit =
# Create a Sampler object
sampler = Sampler(backend)
# Submit the circuit to the sampler
job =[isa_circuit])


{'quantum_seconds': 4.1058720028432445}

Next steps
