Get started with Multi-product formulas (MPFs)
Package versions
The code on this page was developed using the following requirements. We recommend using these versions or newer.
This guide demonstrates how to use the qiskit-addon-mpf
package, using the time evolution of an Ising model as an example. With this package, you can build a Multi-Product Formula (MPF) that can achieve lower Trotter error on observable measurements. The tools provided allow you to determine the weights of a chosen MPF, which can then be used to recombine the estimated expectation values from several time evolution circuits, each with a different number of Trotter steps.
Begin by considering the Hamiltonian of an Ising model with 10 sites:
where is the coupling strength and is an external magnetic field strength. To set up the problem, the observable to measure will be the total magnetization of the system
The code snippet below prepares the Hamiltonian of the Ising chain using the qiskit-addon-utils
package, and defines the observable that will be measured.
from qiskit.transpiler import CouplingMap
from qiskit.synthesis import SuzukiTrotter
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.primitives import StatevectorEstimator
from qiskit.providers.fake_provider import GenericBackendV2
from qiskit.transpiler import generate_preset_pass_manager
from qiskit_addon_utils.problem_generators import (
from qiskit_addon_mpf.costs import (
from qiskit_addon_mpf.static import setup_static_lse
from scipy.linalg import expm
import numpy as np
# Generate some coupling map to use for this example
coupling_map = CouplingMap.from_line(10, bidirectional=False)
# Get a qubit operator describing the Ising field model
hamiltonian = generate_xyz_hamiltonian(
coupling_constants=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
ext_magnetic_field=(0.4, 0.0, 0.0),
print(f"Hamiltonian:\n {hamiltonian}\n")
L = coupling_map.size()
observable = SparsePauliOp.from_sparse_list(
[("Z", [i], 1 / L / 2) for i in range(L)], num_qubits=L
print(f"Observable:\n {observable}")
coeffs=[1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j, 1. +0.j,
1. +0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j,
0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j, 0.4+0.j])
coeffs=[0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j,
0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j, 0.05+0.j])
Next you prepare the MPF. The first choice to make is whether the coefficients will be static (time-independent) or dynamic; this tutorial uses a static MPF. The next choice to make is the set of values. This determines how many terms will be in the MPF, as well as how many Trotter steps each term uses to simulate the time evolution. The choice of values is heuristic, so you need to obtain your own set of "good" values. Read guidelines on finding a good set of values at the end of the getting started page.
Then, once the values are determined, you can prepare the system of equations, , to solve can be prepared. The matrix is also determined by the product formula to use. The choices here are its order, which is set to in this example, as well as whether or not the product formula should be symmetric, which is set to True
for this example. The code snippet below selects a total time to evolve the system, the values to use, and the set of equations to solve using the qiskit_addon_mpf.static.setup_static_lse
time = 8.0
trotter_steps = (8, 12, 19)
lse = setup_static_lse(trotter_steps, order=2, symmetric=True)
LSE(A=array([[1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00, 1.00000000e+00],
[1.56250000e-02, 6.94444444e-03, 2.77008310e-03],
[2.44140625e-04, 4.82253086e-05, 7.67336039e-06]]), b=array([1., 0., 0.]))
Once the linear system of equations has been instantiated, it can be solved either exactly or through an approximate model using a sum of squares (or the Frobenius norm for dynamic coefficients; see the API reference for more information). The choice to use an approximate model typically arises when the norm of the coefficients for the chosen set of values is deemed too high and a different set of values cannot be chosen. This guide demonstrates both to compare the results.
model_exact, coeffs_exact = setup_exact_problem(lse)
model_approx, coeffs_approx = setup_sum_of_squares_problem(
lse, max_l1_norm=3.0
print(f"Exact solution: {coeffs_exact.value}")
print(f"Approximate solution: {coeffs_approx.value}")
Exact solution: [ 0.17239057 -1.19447005 2.02207947]
Approximate solution: [-0.39646076 0.55556835 0.84089365]
object also possesses an LSE.solve()
method, which will solve the system of equations exactly. The reason that setup_exact_problem()
is used in this guide is to demonstrate the interface provided by the other approximate methods.
Set up and execute Trotter circuits
Now that the coefficients have been obtained, the last step is to generate the time evolution circuits for the order and chosen set of steps of the MPF. The qiskit-addon-utils
package can accelerate this process.
circuits = []
for k in trotter_steps:
circ = generate_time_evolution_circuit(
synthesis=SuzukiTrotter(order=2, reps=k),
circuits[0].draw("mpl", fold=-1)
circuits[1].draw("mpl", fold=-1)
circuits[2].draw("mpl", fold=-1)
Once these circuits have been constructed, you can then transpile and execute them using a QPU. For this example, we'll just use one of the noise-free simulators to demonstrate how the Trotter error is reduced.
backend = GenericBackendV2(num_qubits=10)
transpiler = generate_preset_pass_manager(
optimization_level=2, backend=backend
transpiled_circuits = [ for circ in circuits]
estimator = StatevectorEstimator()
job =[(circ, observable) for circ in transpiled_circuits])
result = job.result()
mpf_evs = [ for res in result]
[array(0.23799162), array(0.35754312), array(0.38649906)]
Reconstruct results
Now that the circuits have been executed, reconstructing the results is fairly straightforward. As mentioned in the MPF overview page, our observable is reconstructed through the weighted sum
where are the coefficients we found and is the estimation of the observable for each circuit. We can then compare the results we obtained with the exact value using the scipy.linalg
exp_H = expm(-1j * time * hamiltonian.to_matrix())
initial_state = np.zeros(exp_H.shape[0])
initial_state[0] = 1.0
time_evolved_state = exp_H @ initial_state
exact_obs = (
time_evolved_state.conj() @ observable.to_matrix() @ time_evolved_state
# Print out the different observable measurements
print(f"Exact value: {exact_obs.real}")
print(f"PF with 19 steps: {mpf_evs[-1]}")
print(f"MPF using exact solution: {mpf_evs @ coeffs_exact.value}")
print(f"MPF using approximate solution: {mpf_evs @ coeffs_approx.value}")
Exact value: 0.4006024248790011
PF with 19 steps: 0.3864990619977332
MPF using exact solution: 0.3954847855979667
MPF using approximate solution: 0.429289909019986
Here you can see that the MPF has reduced the Trotter error compared to the one obtained with just a single PF with . However, the approximate model resulted in an expectation value that is worse than the exact model. This demonstrates the importance of using tight convergence criteria on the approximate model and finding a "good" set of values.